That is how I've been feeling this passed week since the arrival of my new On-One Dirty Disco Flat Bar - a hybrid/commuter based around a carbon fibre 'cross frame with hydraulic disc brakes. Not only exceptional value from the guys at Planet-X but I got it on the Cycle 2 Work incentive scheme, so I can pay for it before the Inland Revenue take their cut of my hard earned cash.
This morning I had opt'd for the road bike I've been riding most of the winter, as the forecast was for heavy rain moving across the region. Straight away there was a big difference, mainly due to the narrower dropped bars and the skinny racing tyres and the much more twitchy full-on crit-style geometry. An early start meant I actually beat the rain, but the wind had me all over the place at times.
I've ridden the Disco into work a few times now, over varied terrain and it has coped more than admirably on all surfaces, making me just want to get back out there on it. I'm hoping for more like last Friday when I managed 7 sections of bridleway/green lanes on a 15 mile commute in.

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