The mornings are still good for an hour or so, and although usually starting off in the dark before 7am, it's soon getting lighter and I'm still able to take the quieter lanes round the long way to work. Coming home is now a much more focused affair. Increased levels of concentration are required to watch the road ahead for pot holes and other hazards, even with good lights like the Hope One. Still trying to keep the dash home at around 14miles means I can get a decent workout in, but having to carry the laptop on my back more times than I'd like has taken it's toll and resulted in tight lower back causing some trouble. Hope the next few weeks will see me able to leave it at work rather than having to lug it each way.
There have been only a couple of really cold and frosty mornings so far, but there is the threat of snow showers looming for the weekend - always a bit of fun with the cross bike.
Last year saw plenty of snow and ice, resulting in me hitting the deck on rather more occasions than I'd have liked, so hopefully I can stay in the saddle more this time around. We'll see.