En route, I not only encountered the usual rabbits, squirrels and pheasants but came across a family of deer in the lane that were much too quick for me to snap with my camera phone. I realised at this point how lucky I am to not only be able to cycle to work but to also have many varied routes that all low me to stumble on such scenes.
With the recent bouts of showery rain the bridle paths have soften ever so slightly and there is a little more standing water around, which makes for a more technical ride in. Getting towards the end of my ride I was suitable motivated to take one section of bridleway at around 15mph, leading to a lane with a 35mph decent.
With only the ride up Moss Lane to the bridle path behind work left, I was swinging. A quick dismount at the gate and then down the path I could hear someone call there dogs. Rounding the bend I was confronted by a Rottweiler, fortunately muzzled, and a Terrier which seemed to be more interested in the hedgerow animals than me, thank goodness. So I passed nice and slowly expecting the chase to commence but it never did, nor did I see the owner.
With the last drop off the hill side completed I was pleased that I had chosen the 'cross bike and taken a mix of off-road riding to get to work, I certainly feel I made the right decision.
Now looking forward to the ride home, and I can leave the backpack at work.